Blog: You May Love or Hate New Year’s Resolutions

Blog New Years Resolutions

You may love or hate New Year’s resolutions.

We’re now a month into the new year, and statistics say most people have already dropped their New Year’s resolutions.

I stopped making New Year’s resolutions long ago because they didn’t work for me. I had to find another way to challenge myself to change what I didn’t feel was working for me.

Several years ago, I started to look for podcasts that challenged me (not just fun ones). I looked for people that were where I wanted to be in the future. I listened and started applying what they suggested. They were my first ‘coaches’, even though I never talked with them.

Sometimes, I needed the courage to step out of my comfort zone. Listening to others who had taken risks and been successful gave me the courage to do the same thing.

The next thing I did was find a coach. This was again a step of faith. Sometimes, your employer may pay for a leadership coach for you. In other cases, you may have to pay for it yourself. In my case, I had to pay for it myself. I found it so valuable to have someone to process things with, a ‘safe place’ to share what was working and what wasn’t. It was also a place to verbalize my dreams where they wouldn’t just say, ‘That’s not possible.’

I also joined a mastermind group. Masterminds are great because they offer support, learning, and accountability in a group of like-minded professionals who meet regularly. The one that I joined was specifically for early-stage entrepreneurs. But there are a lot of options out there. Being a part of a like-minded group outside of your existing group of friends can be hugely beneficial in encouraging you to try new things that help you grow, both professionally and personally.

I’ve now had several different coaches at different stages, which were really helpful for me. It’s important to continue to seek out a coach as you grow. The results of these investments, for me, have paid for themselves many times over.

With coaches and mastermind groups, having others around me who dream big, are positive thinkers, and love to encourage others has been hugely beneficial.

One of my current coaches recently asked, “If you had a magic wand and, in 6 months, your life would be the way you dreamed it would be, what would it look like?” I’m still processing this and what it will look like for me in 2024.

I provide leadership coaching for people in the Workday space and those looking to move toward their dream life. If leadership coaching is something you’re interested in exploring, be sure to check out my Coaching Packages here.

What about you?
What would you like your life to look like in 6 months?
What have you found that has helped give you the courage to make positive changes in your life?

P.S. And although it wasn’t a New Year’s resolution, I did have a goal for myself to create an eBook – and I accomplished that goal! If you haven’t seen it yet, you can get your copy here. And I am also currently working on my second one, Workday Gold.

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