Can an End User Support Workday?

As organizations consider their Workday support model, a common question is whether their end users (be they in HR or Finance) can support Workday as a part of their regular job. Technically, it is certainly possible for an end user to support Workday, but there are several considerations to think about. First- ask, “Why they […]

An Introduction to Workday Roles vs. Positions

Blog Workday Support Roles And Short Descriptions

Most Workday customers don’t have the luxury of having a specific person for each role (such as those listed below) you need for a Workday support team. So, I talk about roles vs. positions. A person’s position and job description often include aspects of several different ‘roles’ from the list below.  Here is a sample […]

Blog: You May Love or Hate New Year’s Resolutions

Blog New Years Resolutions

You may love or hate New Year’s resolutions. We’re now a month into the new year, and statistics say most people have already dropped their New Year’s resolutions. I stopped making New Year’s resolutions long ago because they didn’t work for me. I had to find another way to challenge myself to change what I […]

Blog: Take time to look back and celebrate your year!

Take time to look back and celebrate your year!

What did you or your team get done this year? Do you take time to look back?  This time of year, we often see summary videos of what we listened to on Spotify or a summary of this year’s major news events. We jump to making New Year’s resolutions and thinking ahead without acknowledging the […]

Blog: Workday Tip: Just say no!

Workday Tip: Just say no!

Many of us who work in software support are ‘people pleasers’. We want to make people happy. We want people to like us, and we want people to like the software that we support. One way to encourage people to like us AND the software we support is to say ‘yes’ as much as possible- […]

Blog: Two Great Ways to Help your Team Increase their Capacity and Efficiency

Help increase your teams capacity

How do you help your team increase their capacity and efficiency? Most of us have more to do than we can get done. There are multiple releases a year, each with new functionality that could (and should!) be leveraged. There are various changes within your company or organization that require updates to Workday. Etc. Etc. […]

Blog: Leverage Org Studio

Blog Leverage Org Studio

Org Studio is a drag and drop tool that facilitates planning for and implementing organizational / staffing restructures in your company. Maybe your leadership is considering moving a team or department from one director to another one. What might that look like? With Org Studio, you can create several potential new staffing structure scenarios, share […]

Blog: Leverage the ‘Worker Security’ report on the Worker Profile Page

Blog Leverage the 'Worker Security' report on the Worker Profile Page

Workday Customers- For those of you that help troubleshoot security or worker access issues, the ‘Worker Security’ report can be incredibly helpful. This is a relatively new option. So, depending on when you started using Workday, this may already be setup in your system. For customers that have been live on Workday for a while, […]

Blog: Staffing Thoughts – Is it easier to train someone with an IT / Systems background for your internal Support team or to train an SME (Subject Matter Expert) to Support Workday?

Blog Staffing Thoughts

The ‘great resignation’ is still going on and has impacted many Workday customers. Let’s say that you have posted an open position and can’t find anyone with Workday experience. Is it easier, or better, to hire someone with a SME background in HR, Accounting, Recruiting, etc. or to hire someone with an IT background? From […]